Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ruby Ale is delicious and other Sunday thoughts

So, it has been just over a week since surgery.  I am happy to report that things seem to be progressing really well. I have my full brace- restricted range of motion; my arm hurts less every day; I am able to grip small things again; and I can do my hand exercises at will.  

I have also learned the concept of being mindful of things and putting more thought into whatever I do.  This came into play the other night when Katy wasn't home to help with dinner.  I couldn't have a turkey burger because I couldn't open the package. Even last night at McMenamins I had to cut my sandwich up because it was too hard to eat one handed.  

Trying to be mindful of the things you are doing and especially the people who are doing things for you is something I often overlook and take for granted. It's a humbling thing to have someone cut your meat and help you get dressed every morning. Remembering that you can't even eat what you want without help should make you more appreciative of the smaller things. 

It should also be noted that small children and dogs are quite leery of the brace. The little girl sitting behind us at McMenamins last night was very curious about Katy and I until she saw the bionic brace. I don't think she turned around again after that. 

My dog Ginger will often sit above me on the couch.  Since I have to elevate my arm a lot, I often put the arm up where she sits. She will still sit up there, but she will not face toward the brace. She doesn't seem happy with it. 

I guess there isn't really a lesson here. Cover the brace when you are around dogs and kids? Buy chicken taquitos if you're worried about dinner? 

Sure, those work.

Other notes: 
I get the sutures out on Wednesday and am hoping to return to some gym activity Thursday.
Jerseys have been awesome. Still pretty much exclusively wearing them since they are easy. 
We put the pharmacy back in the closet. No pills needed. 
My right hand is super dry and the skin is flaking. No idea why. 

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